Hello to the friends of Iris X Readings! This week, I worked with The Pulp Tarot- a bright and unique deck that my husband got for me. I would not have gotten it for myself- I like traditional Tarot best. But I started working with them, and really have found it to be a great deck. It's good to jump out of your normal style every now and then as a reader! I shuffled the cards and asked for a reading for someone who will see this post. Read on- see if it's for you!
The week begins with the Five of Swords. If this is your reading, there is something in your life that you have to choose to walk away from. There has been something that has been holding you back for a while, and it's not going to improve. It could be a person or even a situation that doesn't take your needs into account. You have been running into a wall with this- and it's not getting better. You feel stuck in a bad situation, and may have to look at ways to get out of the current situation that you are in.
The Two of Cups is next- showing you feeling nostalgic for the ways that things used to be. When you first got into the relationship that you are in- it all seemed so good. You keep flashing back to the old times. You had hoped that there would be a way to repair the relationship because it Does have a good foundation. But you have found yourself stuck- and not sure how to move forward. You may be looking back at a time that doesn't look like it is returning.
The Eight of Cups appears next. This is a card of realizing that something is missing- and walking away. You set out to find what hasn't been working and coming together in your relationship. It's a time of introspection and pondering. It may help to take a break, go on an adventure, and find your power again. If this is not be possible in your life. I would suggest doing something instead of nothing. If you don't have the ability to escape the mundane world and wander- take daily walks and write in a journal. It's time to reconnect with yourself.
The key to this reading is the Kinight of Wands. Relationships seem like they start up strong- and then fizzle out. All of the energy and excitment come out in the beginning, but it is very hard to maintain. It is like trying to keep a stubborn fire going. And because all of the energy is expended early on- you lose your abilty to keep it all going. You may also be attracting a certain type. The Knight of Wands is often a young at heart fiery individual. They don't have their feet on the ground yet, and they struggle to be consistent and focused.
Here's what I see. You are in a relationship that started off really good. You felt like this was the 'one' and that you would stay together. Then, things started to change. The person became quite focused on themselves, and your needs were not being met. You have been trying and trying- but they don't get it. They are so centered on their own lives that they may be losing track of you. You want to leave but you keep focusing on how things used to be. You thought it was so good. But now, you have to try to make sense of all of this- and it may take a vision quest of sorts. This may be a repeating pattern with a certain 'type' that is hard for you to keep on a focused path. You feel like you can't maintain relationships- but is it possible that you are in relationships with people that can't stay focused? Either way- you have a lot to ponder. Take some walks and get away as much as you can. Write in a journal and see if you can make sense of a pattern.
If you need a reading this week, send a message to irisxtarot@gmail.com. I am back from vacation starting on Wednesday. Have a great week and hang in there if this is your reading! You may be blaming yourself too much.