Hello to the friends of Iris X readings. We are certainly coming into a week of uncertainty. I chose The Black Tarot by Da Brigh to work with this week, and I shuffled the cards and asked for a reading for someone who will see this post. Read on and see if it is for you or someone you know. If you haven't yet subscribed to my webpage, it is Free! irisxtarot.com/subscribe. It just allows me to keep in touch with you, and gives you a reliable way to reach out to me when you need a reading. Thank you to all who follow this weekly reading!
The reading begins with The Emperor. This is a card of authority and control. While it often speaks to external authority, I use it as a check on my own authority. If this is your reading, it is a good idea to have a plan right now. Look at the bigger picture- the long term goals. Find a way to keep your feet on the ground and stay firmly in control of your life, path and where you are heading. If a power rises up, stand up taller. No one controls your life and path except for you. Stay in control and in charge of what happens in your life.
Death comes up next, showing a big change and transition coming up. Something influential is shifting here. The Emperor and Death are connected by number (The Emperor as 4 and Death as 13- both add up to 4.) What is built up must come down. Death is implied in creation- it is the way of things. While readers often like to frame this as a very positive card, it is stark. It is called Death for a reason. It destroys what once was and starts up a new way. It is certainly a transition- one that is big enough to be called Death.
The Five of Swords appears next, representing a force that is destructive. Perhaps this is personal and you have someone in your life that you have to cut off and stay away from. If this is the case- it is a person that can only focus on themselves and their own ego and power. They do not consider you or your needs. It is a wall- it is not likely to change. Or maybe this is a card speaking to a larger force that is coming into play in the world that does not care for others around them. Either way, it is part of the changes up ahead.
The key to this reading is the IV of Cups. There are times that we have to draw lines and boundaries. It is important to decide what gets your energy and what you are best to ignore. Sometimes we have to distract ourselves to stay peaceful and calm. What is clear is that in order to stay in charge of a situation, it is necessary to be very careful about who and what gets your attention. You control the attention and energy that you have and where it is directed. This is important to remember.
Here's what I see. I am going to be honest. I don't do political readings. I did once, and am quite honestly still recovering from it. But, I am also a reader of cards and energy- and can't quite ignore when there is a reading that seems to be speaking to the larger world. So, I am going to tell you what I see. What I see here is that there is a huge shift in authority happening (obviously), and it is not for the better. It is going to be important to stay on top of what you are in control of and what you have no power over. We are going to experience a Major shift and change- Death. Things will not look the same. Death leaves nothing untouched. What was built falls to ashes- and in many ways, it is just the way of things. The Emperor always does fall, and what was created is then destroyed. When it comes to the V of Swords, we are not dealing with forces that can be reasoned with. They are focused on their own needs and gains. They know that they are, and it is irrational to think that they will change their course. It is a wall we are running up against, and it is not going to yield or compromise. It doesn't know how to. And so, the key to the situation is the IV of Cups. Decide what you pay attention to. The V of Swords ego wants your focus and attention. Do not give it to them. It is your choice to cut off your focus and not contribute to the power that is feeding very unhealthy people in positions of power. As much as is possible- don't let it into your home, heart or head. It is not happening there unless you allow it to be. Stay in control of the situation (IV of Cups) by diverting your energy to the things that matter to you. In this way, you remain the authority of your life. The change will happen no matter what. It is the course we are on. How you approach it is up to you, but the cards suggest staying in control. Be the authority of your own life and don't give an inch to a power that does not care that you exist. There is power in energy and attention. Stay in control of where your focus goes. Give that energy to the people that you love instead.
Stay calm, Tarot friends and most importantly.. stay in charge of your power. If you need a reading this week, send a message to irisxtarot@gmail.com. If you want something else to focus on this week, I am teaching a 3 day online class focused on keeping your home a sacred and peaceful place. The best place to start during crazy times.