One of the most common things that people say to me as a Tarot Card reader is 'I am a bad shuffler.' The cards are bigger than people are used to, and they struggle to shuffle. My favorite cards are actually far bigger than the traditional Tarot sized deck. I was just given The Universal Tarot /professional edition by Lo Scarabeo. The cards are the size of the Visconti and Cary Yale Tarot deck. They are just about the length of my forearm- and without a doubt, my favorite size for Tarot cards. The cards are beautiful- based strongly on the Pamela Coleman Smith imagery with some changes. I shuffled the cards and asked for a message for a person that will read this post. It's a pretty strong statement as a first reading from a new deck- read on, and see if it is for you or someone that you know.
If this reading is for you- you are a strong person. The Queen of Swords represents a person that is intelligent and powerful. You have lived through a lot- and you have learned over time to not put up with any nonsense. You have strong boundaries and you are not afraid to enforce them. You earned the sword that you hold by education- whether it is through hardship or studies. The Swords suit is not an easy one to be the Queen of, but you have earned your space. You hold a Sword now when people approach you, and you may be described as defensive or harsh.
The 3 of Wands appears next, showing you moving forward with something in your life. You are letting go of your past, and setting out to accomplish your goals. You are ready to travel and see the world. You have ideas, and you are starting to put them out into the world to see the reaction of others. You are feeling inspired by something and like you are free. You are patiently planning and moving forward.
But there is something that is still holding you back. The Devil is a powerful card that is showing you with a chain around your neck. You may not be as free as you think you are. This Devil looks like a puppet master- controlling actions in a way that may not be immediately obvious. It may be a person, situation, or even an addiction- but there is a chain that is holding you back from being as free as you can be.
Judgment is the key in this reading. It is a card of awareness and awakening. Judgement is when something dawns on you- and you suddenly know what to do. Your key will be to use your wise judgement. Information that is from the past that you have learned can dictate the next move that you make. This is a card of waking up from a slumber, and suddenly feeling clear and conscious of what you are doing and how it is affecting your life.
Here's what I see. If this is your reading, you have not had an easy path. Challenges have made you sharp, harsh and wise. You draw boundaries well, and pride yourself on your discernment when it comes to people. Your life has not been easy, and you are not interested in situations that push you too hard. You have started to move on and work on letting go of the challenges of the past. You are feeling inspired about a new idea that you have, and you are putting yourself out into the world again. But there is still something that is holding you back and keeping you from moving on well. There is still a chain around your neck, and something that is dictating your situation. You haven't wanted to look at it, but it is still there with you. Your wise judgement tells you to take the chain off of your neck and walk away from The Devil so that you can be free. You may have a moment of clarity where you see the pattern that you are in. It may be surprising since the Queen of Swords is wise, strong and decisive. But it appears to me that there is still one more chain to remove- a final attachment to be done with. From there, you move on with clarity and purpose- reborn into a new life without chains.
If you need a reading this week, send a message to irisxtarot@gmail.com. Have a good week!