Greetings to the friends of Iris X Readings! I hope you are all well. I have been spending my days paying attention to the birds around me. Many have migrated for the year, and this time of the year often feels like the time of the Corvids. They are able to weather through the coldest season and stick around in the northeast. I have a lot of respect for them, and spend time watching their behaviors. There are old forms of divination having to do with watching the behavior of Ravens, and so- I pay attention to our corvids. What I see from them right now is that they are preparing for the winter while spending time observing the world around them and commenting on what they see. I have witnessed them being more quiet than usual in the last few weeks. Present- and often silent. This week's reading was done on The Raven's Dream Tarot created by MJ Cullinane. I shuffled the cards and asked for a reading for someone who will see this post. Read on- see if it's for you.
This week's reading begins with The Fool- a card of new beginnings and freedom. If this is your reading, you have something new starting up in your life. It is uncharted territory and you will have to figure it out as you go. You are in a place where there are no plans that apply, and you have to just start moving forward. This is the card of taking risks and leaping forward even if you have no idea of where you are going or what is going to happen. Everything is possible and nothing is certain.
Justice appears next. This is a card of accountability and truth. Justice asks you to look closely at your life and to see if you are living in a way that is true to who you want to be. It is a card of demanding clarity, honesty and truth. Standing up and speaking up if something is not fair. If this is your reading, you are in a position of addressing the fairness and balance in your life. You are holding yourself accountable and moving forward with purpose.
The Hermit is the next card in the reading, showing a long walk and journey. This is a card of wisdom and the understanding that the journey is long, and the destination is not as important as the path that you walk to get there. You may be feeling like you want to spend some time to yourself, and the woods and empty spaces may be calling to you. You wander without a clear path or destination, and pick up bits of wisdom along the way.
The key to this reading is the Six of Cups. It is the only minor arcana card in the reading, and shows what needs to be done. This is the card of crossing the bridge into the next stage of life. With the Six of Cups, things are not the same after you cross the bridge. You take with you the wisdom from the past and leave the rest behind. This is a card of a rite of passage. You are growing, changing and evolving. It may not be a comfortable process, but you are actually doing quite well right now and moving forward into the next stage of life.
Here's what I see. This is a big reading. The first three cards are Major arcana cards that show a new journey that ends up being a very long walk. Justice is central to your life right now, and you feel like you need to speak up and be authentic to who you are. It is a time of great change, and you are in it for the long walk. When my son was little, I was explaining the Hermit to him. And he told me that the Hermit is 'just the Fool all grown up.' Perhaps the walk that you are on will twist and turn on the way. You may not end up where you think that you will. And as the Fool, you truly have no idea what is going to happen next. You have the pole star of Justice to follow. Standing up and being true to yourself and your path is the most important thing right now. Being accountable to yourself and moving forward with purpose is important. You keep doing this, and then eventually you find yourself in the shoes of the Hermit, old and wisened. It looks to me like this is a time of crossing the bridge, growing and changing. Your life will not be the same once you take the Fool's leap, but it is moving you forward into the next stage of your life. It may be good to consciously recognize that you are in a time of endings and new beginnings. Things are going to look different moving forward, and you will have to keep walking forward even if you don't have a plan.
Have a good week! If you need a reading, I have some limited openings on Saturday for readings! Send a message to irisxtarot@gmail.com. Thank you for following, and please subscribe to irisxtarot.com/subscribe.