Season's Greetings to the friends of Iris X readings. It's been a tough season. My family has experienced the loss of a dear friend and a beloved uncle in the last few weeks. It has drawn me into a nostalgic space, thinking of memories of holidays in the past with people who are no longer with us. I grew up surrounded by great people, and I will always be grateful for that.
Back in 1995, one of my beloved adopted sisters handed me the Tarot deck that I am using this week.She died far too many years ago, and I miss her all the time. The Tarot deck she gifted me is a Universal Waite Tarot, illustrated by the amazing Pamela Coleman Smith. It is worn and soft from so many years of shuffling. So many stories have been told over this deck and people have made life changing decisions. All because someone I loved gifted me a Tarot deck on Christmas.
Before that- I wasn't terribly sure what I wanted to do with my life. I felt like I was not skilled in much of anything. A bored C student without musical skills and Certainly no athletic skills. I couldn't draw or create art. I wasn't interested in school. A whole world opened up to me when this deck came into my hands. It changed Me before it went on to change others. It was the only deck I used for readings for at least 15 years. I don't usually bring it out anymore. Honestly- the cards are in rough shape and I want to have them for years to come. But every now and then, I feel like they need to come out.
On the day of the Full Moon, I asked the cards for a message from someone in the past- a message from a person that has been lost to this world. I am not sure who it is for. It is a bit different than what I usually ask the cards for an Iris X weekly reading. But, it felt right. Read on and see if someone you lost is talking to you. Or perhaps- it is more of a collective. We will see. Thanks for reading, friends. In our darkest season, keep shining your light.
The reading begins with the VII of Wands. If this is your reading, you have been feeling stretched and overwhelmed. You are doing your best to get through the tasks of the day and to keep your head above water. It is not easy. You feel like you have a lot to fend off and your work never quite seems to end. You are anxious and worried; just trying to make it through every day. You are doing a lot, accomplishing your goals- but at what cost? Are you ok?It can be hard to be stretched like this. Looking closely at this card, you may notice that he has on one boot and one shoe. Have you ever been this overwhelmed? Are you now?
The Sun appears next in stark contrast to the card of battling the world. The Sun is about the things that bring you life and make you feel awake and excited. Sometimes, it is a trip or an adventure. Other times, we can sit with one person who can help us to shine a light on parts of ourselves that we may need to see. The Sun is about truth and clarity. Honesty and trust for the people in your life and the world around you. The mentality of the child is seen here- the one who never grows up. Perhaps the person that this reading is for should slow down and have fun. Opportunities may be passing you by as you work.
The Ace of Cups comes up next. A hand that comes from the clouds to hand you a cup. Cups represent love and relationships in Tarot, and this is an offering of love from the sky all the way down to the person that this reading is for. It is a pure card- the love doesn't come with strings attached. It is simply a gift. If this reading is for you, there may be a new person coming into your life. Make sure you don't miss them when they appear- they are an Ace of a person. Yet, with the question asked of the cards, this feels like affection from someone who is not here anymore as well. And as always- it could be both.
The key to this reading is Death. Memento Mori. Remember that you too must die. This life that you are living is a finite one, and you never know when you will reach the end. People die, the sun comes up in the background- and you are forever changed by the losses experienced. If this life is transient, what will you do with your time? How will you live? It is easy to forget that the only commonality that we all have is that we will die. That is the key to this reading. You too will die.
Here's what I see. If this is your reading, you are overwhelmed and busy. You are feeling scattered and anxious like you are not accomplishing all of the things that you want to. You don't rest- and you spend your days working hard. As you work, there are adventures that are passing you by. Opportunities to experience life instead of stretching yourself as thin as possible. There is a lot to laugh about even in the darkest months. As the Sun wanes all the way until the Winter Solstice, it may seem like it will stay dark forever and that the people we have lost are Gone. But cycles and change tell a different story. We are in the season that reaches the depths of the dark- and then shifts, and the light begins to grow again. In absence of the light, you often have to shine a little bit brighter to be seen and understood. Love is handed to you from those you have lost as well as someone you haven't met. The question is- will you see this? The key is to pay attention, slow down- and remember that someday it will be you that people are mourning. What will they say about you? How will people remember you? If you are not going to live forever- how will you live today? Remember that you will die, and so will everyone else in your life. Will you treat people differently? Does it change your way of seeing the world? Would you work in a stressed out state until you finally collapse? Do you accept new friends into your life and go on adventures? Are you able to be clear about what you wish for if you will not always be alive? Can you be honest, showing your true self to the world? Death asks you to evaluate your life. You are going to die someday. The question is- how will you live?
If you need a reading this week, send a message to irisxtarot@gmail.com. Sending all my love to my friends and family. It is the darkest time of the year, and memories can hit hard. Stay warm and be kind.