This week's reading was done on the Fairy Lights Tarot. This little known deck is fascinating. Every card is a half of a painting which has a match in the Tarot deck. The connections are not what you would think that they would be, but if you ponder it for a bit- you can see where the artist drew the connections and they are very insightful. I shuffled the deck and asked for a reading for someone who will see this post. I don't know who it is for until it is posted- read on and see if it's for you or someone that you know.
The reading begins with the 9 of Swords. If this is your reading, you have been feeling a lot of anxiety. You wake up at night thinking, and you find yourself assuming the worst. You get stuck ruminating in a negative cycle, and even when you try to relax, you feel the influences from the outside coming in. You are worried and keeping to yourself more than you usually do.
The Knight of Cups is next in this reading, showing a different influence coming into your life. The cups suit is the suit of the heart- love, emotions and expression. There is movement in this realm coming into your life. Perhaps you meet someone romantically, or there is a new relationship. Either way, it would be good for you to spend some time with the good people in your life, new or old.
The Ace of Cups appears next showing an opportunity that is coming up for you. Again with the suit of Cups, this is likely a person coming into your life. The Aces are positive opportunities that we are wise to take and work with. This would be a very positive influence in your life. It would make you feel a lot better. It is someone new- so be on the lookout.
The key to this reading is Justice. You are a person that stands up and fights when things are unfair. This is really a good thing. But you have to have a bit of a balance so that you are experiencing the good things in life too- because there is a lot when you look at your community and the people that are around you. If the scales tip too far to either side, you will feel a sense of imbalance or unwellness. Stand up and fight for what is right! Also- don't forget to keep an eye out for a new opportunity in love and friendship. Remember to be fair to yourself too.
Here's what I see. If this is your reading, you have really been isolating and feeling very alone. Your thoughts get you, and you can't stop ruminating. There is a new force or energy coming into your life that may make you feel a lot more peaceful and happy. And that may be nice- you have been not in a good space. First, it seems that you have to get yourself out into the world to spend time with people. There is a new person coming into your life, and you wouldn't want to miss that because you are at home worrying. Justice says- you still have to live. Even if you are fighting and standing up- you need to have a counter balance. Meet new people, start relationships, spend time with the people you love. If you are always fighting, you may miss some of the other influences that are coming into your life. You wouldn't want to miss meeting an ace of a person. It's just about Spring- it's time to get outside and connect with people again. You have been too isolated, and that is starting to really weigh heavily on you. You can do the work that you need to do much better if you are balanced and enjoying the people in your life too. Always maintain a balance, and you can get a lot done- both personally and on a larger scale.
If you need a reading this week, send a message to irisxtarot@gmail.com. Have a great week, and if this is your reading- get out of your head and into the community.