Hello to the friends of Iris X readings! This week, I am working with the Wildwood Tarot. For me, this is a deck that I pick up when I'm in a certain mood. Every Tarot deck has a distinct personality, and this deck is very spiritual in nature. There are times that I want to back out of the details of mundane life, and look at the bigger picture. That's when I pick up The Wildwood Tarot- usually when I'm feeling a bit quiet and thoughtful about the world around me. I shuffled the cards, and asked for a reading for someone who will see this post. I am not sure who it is for- we will have to wait to see who reacts! Read on- see if it's for you.
The reading begins with The Stag; Justice in the traditional Tarot deck. Justice is a card that calls attention to the moment to let you know that it is important. It is a card of natural laws and the scales of nature. Nature will always re-balance itself. No matter how out of balance everything gets. This is a card that asks us to look at our own scales and to be accountable for ourselves, our actions, and the impact that we have on the world around us.
Next up is The Great Bear- traditionally Judgment. If Justice asks us to look at our lives and be accountable, the Great Bear guards the door that we walk through to find our power. This is a card of clarity and rebirth; waking up and knowing exactly where you are and what you should do. A new life is beginning, and what it will look like is up to you. There is a degree of bravery needed to cross the Great Bear and to enter the cave.
The Eight of Vessels- also known as Rebirth is next in the reading. This is a card of seeking and finding. This card asks you to find time for a vision quest. There is power and meaning for you to find right now, and you have to get away from the chatter around you to be able to hear the voices in the wind. There is a need to shut the world out right now, be silent, and see what happens next. You will not be the same after this experience.
The key to the Reading is The Seer, which is traditionally The High Priestess. In old times, a vision quest would involve the skills of a Seer or Priestess to give you advice to help guide your way. The Seer does not offer direct answers, but things that you should think about and consider. What you do with the information is up to you. Perhaps there is guidance that you can seek when you are ready to take the journey to find your power. This will lead to your evolution and rebirth. Follow your intuition and listen more than you talk. There is something to understand, and we can't learn anything new while we are speaking.
Here's what I see. This is a very spiritual reading. If this is your reading, you are at a pivotal and important time in your life. After this time, things will never look the same. You are being asked to look at your life and to be accountable for your actions and impact. The Stag looks in your eyes and tells you to move onto The Bear. Both Stag and Bear challenge your passage. This leads to challenge which helps you to evolve into the next stage of your life. You are asked to seek and to find your power and place in the world. A trip alone and times of silence will help you to find your way. Once the chatter clears; the stillness helps everything to click into place and make sense. Seek guidance from a Seer or helpful guide on your way and think about what you are told. In the end, you will have to find your own path through to the other side. When you find yourself there, you will be changed- never to be the same. With silence and space, you will grow and evolve.
I know that this reading is not for everyone- but it Is for someone in particular. If you need a reading, send a message to irisxtarot@gmail.com. Have a great week!